Naalarami ward is a small remote Village that includes three sub villages which are Lengilorit, Naalami and Engorika, located 70 km from Arusha, the Maasai women  in these villages play crucial roles within their community. Traditionally, they are responsible for domestic duties such as taking care of the family, milking cattle, constructing and maintaining houses, and gathering firewood and water. Additionally, Maasai women often take part in economic activities such as selling milk, beads, and other crafted items. Historically, they had limited access to education and decision-making processes. However, in recent times, through different organizations and government support,  efforts have been made to empower Maasai women by providing access to education and promoting their involvement in community leadership and decision-making roles; however this is not a case in Naalarami ward.

Despite these changes, there are still challenges regarding gender equality within Maasai society. Cultural norms and traditions sometimes limit women’s rights and opportunities, though ongoing efforts aim to address these disparities and elevate the status of Maasai women within their community.

Vikoba refers to a rotating savings and credit association  commonly found in East Africa, particularly in Tanzania. It’s a form of informal savings group where a small number of individuals contribute money regularly into a pool. The collected funds are then given to one member of the group on a rotating basis, providing each member with access to a lump sum of money. This system enables members to access funds for various needs, such as starting a business, paying school fees, or addressing emergencies, without relying on formal banking institutions.VICOBA represents a revolutionary approach to financial empowerment. It enables women to pool their resources, offer loans to group members to start small businesses, and earn interest on these loans, thus enhancing the financial well-being of all members.

Mwaci is dedicated to bringing support to women through the NARETOI Women’s Group, an initiative aimed at creating sustainable livelihoods using Village Community Banks (VICOBA), a grassroots microfinance model for the impoverished.Each of the three villages – Lengiloriti, Engorika, and Naalarami – will host two VICOBA groups, totaling 180 women.Our goal is to empower Maasai women and provide them with financial freedom and decrease the dependence of the women from their families.

Vicoba Structure

1.Chairperson: One member will be leader of the group,will be responsible for organizing meetings, maintaining records of contributions, keeping track of who receives the funds next in the rotation, and ensuring the smooth functioning of the Vicoba.

2.Secretary:This is the selected member who handles documentation, record-keeping, and maintaining the accounts of contributions and loans.

3. Treasure:One Member will be selected to be responsible for group finance, book-keeping and financial report.

4. Representative:A member is chosen or voluntarily takes on the role of representing the group in external matters, such as liaising with external organizations or authorities if needed.

Leadership within a Vicoba is often rotational, meaning different members may take on these roles during various cycles of the savings and lending process. This structure promotes a sense of equality and shared responsibility among all members, ensuring transparency and fairness in the operation of the Vicoba.

1.Financial Support for Registration: To establish and formalize the VICOBA groups, MWACI is committed to support the group with the registration fees and facilitate the process, to ensure the women of the groups have been registered and aware of the registration process.

2.Training for VICOBA:  Empowering these women involves equipping them with the knowledge and skills required to operate the VICOBA effectively. This includes training in financial management, group dynamics, and record-keeping, MWACI is committed to collaborate with other local NGO to support in facilitating and sharing of this knowledge required for the VICOBA.

3.Securing Storage:  Each VICOBA group will need a secure box to store money and essential materials such as hisa books, stamps, stamp ink, rulers, counter books, pens, and three box locks. These items are vital for transparent financial management, MWACI is committed to support each  group financially to purchase the Secure boxes.

4.Transport and Accommodation: Conducting training in the three villages requires transportation and accommodation arrangements. This ensures that the women can participate fully and receive the support they need. MWACI is committed to support the accommodation and transportation fee for the Facilitators, trainers and project coordinator to ensure they attend the general meeting of the VICOBA days to monitor the development and the progress of the groups.

Requirements for Our Initiative

MWACI team is committed to making a lasting difference. By empowering Maasai women through VICOBA, we are not only alleviating immediate financial hardships but also fostering long-term economic stability and independence. This initiative will enable these women to provide for their families and break the cycle of poverty.

MWACI NARETOI Women’s Group, embodies our commitment to positive change in the Monduli District. We seek partners and supporters who share our vision of empowering Maasai women, providing them with the tools they need for financial freedom, and ultimately improving the well-being of their families and communities. Together, we can make this vision a reality and transform lives in the Monduli district.

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